Tolman Wedding and First Post

I finally caught up to the 21st century and made a website! I can't wait to use it to show what I have been up to!

Molly and Malachi's wedding this weekend was a dream.

Molly contacted me about wedding pictures a few years back. I took some photos of her and Malachi and it was easy to see how in love they were. But then Molly decided to serve a mission for the LDS church and postponed her and Malachi's wedding for 18 months while she went and preached the gospel. The two wrote faithfully throughout Molly's mission, and within a few days of Molly coming home, they were engaged.

It was a cold, wintery day in Rexburg, Idaho to get married, but I couldn't be happier for these two!

Molly truly made the most stunning bride!

Overall, it was a beautiful weekend filled with lots of love and even more laughter. Congratulations, Malachi and Molly!

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